contemporary art gallery Arundel West Sussex UK
tel: +44 1903 885323
Open Tues-Sat 11-4. Sun 12-4
Sylvia Quinnell - Linear expression exhibition
RAKU - White Crackle Glaze
Where East meets West taking its origins from the Japanese Tea Ceremony
Sylvia's white crackle glaze pots are intially, traditionally fired in an electric kiln to 1000c -
biscuit ware. The pots are then glazed with a low melt tin glaze, placed in her home made outdoor dustbin type kiln which is fired by a propane gas burner. The kiln is heated to 1000c in approximately 45 minutes breaking all traditional western rules. Once the glaze has melted the red hot pots are lifted out with long handled tongs and placed into buckets of sawdust (reduction process). The thermal shock causes the glaze to crackle. Once the pot is cool it is washed clean to expose the crackle patterns and the unglazed areas remain black.

Ceramic and driftwood spoons

Ceramic and driftwood spoons

Ceramic and driftwood spoons

White raku

White raku

White raku

white raku dish SOLD

White raku dish SOLD

white raku bowls

4 white raku small square dishes 3 SOLD

white raku obelisks

white raku larger vessels smaller one SOLD

"horsehair" boxes 3 SOLD

white raku

Horsehair box and white raku pot SOLD

white raku SOLD

black clay plate SOLD

plate SOLD

Labyrinth SOLD

White glaze raku jug SOLD