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Annwyn Dean - Organic exhibition


Annwyn is fascinated by fragments, small pieces that remain from larger artefacts.  She thinks a fragment will gain greater significance when ordered with similar pieces, their cumulative message becoming more interesting and complex, with numerous tales to tell.


Annwyn's inspiration is drawn from her collection of antique lace and embroidery which she has accumulated during many years of teaching embroidery.


The book format allows the story to be told about their journey through the years and across the world, their makers and their owners.  The book, as it is held in the hand, allows a connection between Annwyn and the viewer and so establishes a link with the fragments' past.


Each book is accompanied by a tiny book containing its narrative and information on printing methods and materials used in its construction.


To create the books Annwyn makes collagraphic prints with painted and printed papers, embossings and stitching. With her background as an embroiderer and being largely self taught as a printmaker, the integration of stitch techniques and processes into her printmaking practice is a natural progression. Annwyn feels that it is this combination of skills which gives her work its particular characteristics.


Annwyn has books in collections in the V&A, the Tate and several universities.


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